The other day I had a teacher give me back an essay I wrote with her criticisms written entirely in cursive. This was no ordinary cursive — it was cursive so fancy to the point of illegibility. A line of students formed to ask her what exactly it was that she wrote on their papers.
For a bit of history, cursive was invented for the purpose of conserving ink when writing with a quill. See, quills ran out of ink quite fast, and were prone to breaking when lifted up and put down on paper over and over. Cursive allowed you to write with only one stroke, taking care of the problems of fragility and ink conservation dually.
Yeah that’s cool, but no one writes with quills anymore. The problem that birthed cursive is nowadays a nonexistent issue.
I had a realization that cursive today is no different from writing that resembles chicken scratch. It’s illegible and there’s no real purpose for it. Since quills went out of style, cursive is now pretty much just an interesting way to write.
In the face of illogicality, I say we fight fire with fire. I propose; Sorsive.
Sorsive is unique way of writing that aims to make writing overwhelmingly messy. Basically, exaggerate each and every bad quality your writing currently has. A response to cursive’s overwhelming fanciness. Both are superfluous techniques of writing, but only one has been done to death since the 15th century.
Etymologically speaking, cursive stands for currere, an old Latin word which means to run. The word for “dirty” in Latin is sordida, so this filthy writing style will be known as Sorsive.
Throughout my life I’ve had a lot of people tell me that my handwriting looks poor, even sloppy. It was so frustrating to me that graphite markings on paper made these people so annoyed to the point that they confronted me about it. However, annoyed is simply not good enough. I want to make these people furious. I want my writing to be as repulsing as it possibly can. If my handwriting sucks, why should I suck at bad handwriting too? What I’m trying to say is that if you have sloppy handwriting, own it! Maximize your sloppiness! Try out Sorsive.