On June 18 the Los Angeles Unified School District’s board approved a policy to adopt restrictions on cell phone use. Many board members expressed concern that kids spend too much time on their phones and not enough time learning or being in the real world. Phones can lead to students becoming distracted in the class, lowering their grade and learning. Until now, schools had to regulate phones by themselves. How the school will enforce the new rules now is still unclear but the schools are believed to get packets or lockers where students will put their phones until the end of the day. Heavy phone use among teens has contributed higher stress, anxiety and depression. Studies have found social media contributes to higher rates of suicide. Even the Surgeon General has warned about the effects of social media. Citing cyber bullying, Experts have praised this decision. But not all support this policy. Most students are upset about the changes. They believe the rules will restrict their freedom and are not an effective way to keep teens off social media. Parents are concerned that it will put their students in danger during an emergency and they will not be able to communicate with their children when they are at school. However teachers will still have access to their own phones and will be able to call for help during a disaster. One student questioned the changes saying it is important for students to stay connected to their peers using their phones. John Marshall High School had a meeting on Monday to discuss how to implement the new policy.